It can be difficult to know where to find mental health support.
This tool can be used by people aged 16 - 25 to find relevant services around Southampton.
We'll ask you some questions to help us sort our list of services by how likely they are to be relevant to you. This usually take a couple of minutes to complete.
We do not keep or share any information that you put into this tool.
Nobody else can see your answers, and no information will even leave your device!
By telling us a little bit about the person who needs help we can point them towards the right services.
We can skip you straight to services that can help people in an emergency or crisis.
We can skip them straight to services that can help people in an emergency or crisis.
Some services are only available to certain age groups so might not be relevant.
Certain institutions have internal services only accessible to active students.
Some services specifically target people who are either eligible for, or already receiving CAMHS.
Some services are aimed at a particular gender so may be more relevant.
Some services provide specialised support for drugs and alcohol problems which might be more relevant.
Some services focus on helping young carers and might be more relevant.
Some services are only available to people with a recent background in being under care.
We'll now create a personalised list of local mental health and wellbeing services based on your answers.
Your services have been split into 4 stages based on our roadmap:
The NHS recommends you start at stage 1, then try services in each stage before contacting a GP or NHS service.
Return to the SMHN website home page
You can explore services aimed at everyone in our SMHN Service Directory
There are a number of places under 16s could try to look for support: